Commentary: It’s Time to Boycott China

by Curtis Ellis


President Trump says he expects China will pay a “substantial” amount of money for damages caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

You can’t help but suspect the Chinese Communist Party deliberately withheld crucial information and hoarded protective supplies needed to prepare for the virus in order to wreak maximum damage both mortal and material on the West.

When asked if he will submit a bill as Germany has done, Trump demurred, saying “We have ways of doing things much easier than that.”

You bet we do.

Consider: Every dollar the CCP would possibly pay us in damages would be a dollar we gave them in the first place.

We can save ourselves the trouble of trying to collect the bill by not sending them the money in the first place.

Let’s say it out loud: Boycott China.

China’s Communist dictators have been waging economic warfare against us for decades, launching missiles from their mines, mills, and factories in an attack that has destroyed our industries as effectively as any precision-guided munitions.

Now the pandemic has wrought further destruction.

They have succeeded in effectively stopping our way of life. We can’t let them do that again.


Just as the CCP has waged economic warfare against the United States, we can do the same.

The Chinese Communist Party lives off the money we send them, and we send them a lot.

We should stop sending them our money. Americans should boycott China.

Our government should boycott the CCP.

The U.S. government contributes to the World Bank, which still gives China billions. Until recently we funded the World Health Organization, Beijing’s puppet. We fund scientific research in China. The NIH even funded bat virus research in Wuhan after it was banned in the United States (What could possibly go wrong with that? Oh wait, we found out.)

Wall Street should boycott the CCP.

Wall Street steers billions to CCP-controlled companies listed on U.S. exchanges. It helps CCP-controlled entities sell securities in the United States. Billions flow through index funds that include shares of Chinese companies. Pension funds from California to Iowa have staked the retirement savings of Americans on these dodgy investments.

The finance guys overseeing the federal Thrift Savings Plan—the 401(k) plan for military personnel and federal workers—want to invest billions in the MSCI Emerging Markets Fund, home to a roster of Chinese companies that manufacture weapons, cyber-espionage tools and surveillance gear for the CCP.

Corporate America should boycott the CCP.

President Trump warned American companies to get out of China years ago. When he slapped a tariff on China imports, supposedly American companies did Beijing’s lobbying and squealed like stuck pigs. Everyone from Bible publishers to shoe salesmen pleaded penury and predicted doom if the tariffs weren’t lifted immediately.

Had they diversified their supply chains as President Trump advised, we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in today, depending on a hostile regime for the goods we need to save our lives.

And each one of us has a part to play, too.

When we say boycott China, we are telling the CCP the American people are on to you. We know the dollars we send to Beijing are used to bury us.

When we say boycott China we are telling American-in-name-only companies to get out of China—now. Whenever there is an alternative to “Made in China,” we will take it. We can buy New Balance athletic shoes instead of Nikes. We can buy from our local farmer or Hormel instead of Smithfield. We don’t have to upgrade our iPhone until Tim Cook stops funding the CCP’s techno-totalitarian dystopia. We’re telling GM don’t import Envision SUVs from China. We’re telling Twitter to deplatform CCP propaganda mouthpieces, not Americans.

When we say boycott China, we are telling Washington to stop sending our tax dollars to our mortal enemy—no excuses. We are telling stand-up elected officials like Senators Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), and President Trump we have their backs. And we’re telling the others to stop peddling excuses, get a backbone, and stand up for America. Don’t let the Chinese Communists control our food (Smithfield), our media (AMC theaters, Universal, Disney, Hollywood), our energy, and our technology (Huawei, Lenovo).

When we say boycott China, we are telling the CCP’s apologists in big media, big banks, big corporations and the Washington swamp who sold out America and her people—time’s up.

Our first war of independence began with boycotts of British goods following the Stamp Act, the Townshend Act, and the Tea Act.

The American Founders understood that America would not be independent if we relied on other nations for our manufactured goods.

With this boycott let us declare our independence from the tyrants of Beijing and the tyranny of globalism that brought us to the current impasse.

We can, we must, and we will stop giving China’s dictators our money.

To ensure we recover from this virus, we must do two things: Wash our hands and wash our hands of China.

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Curtis Ellis is policy director with America First Policies. He was also a senior policy advisor with the Donald J. Trump presidential campaign in 2016.
Photo “Chinese Factory” by Robert Scoble. CC BY 2.0.






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4 Thoughts to “Commentary: It’s Time to Boycott China”

  1. CCW

    The real test will be if U.S.A. can protect its one big asset “high technology” and its intellectual property. If not, and it continues to be sold or traded to China on the cheap, by DC sellouts and Silicon Valley globalists, then U.S.A. will slide into a 2nd World Country, similar to Japan, even more dependent on China markets.

  2. Mike in WIlliamson

    So you want to boycott China? Ok. First, turn in your computer, you phone, all electronics and items in your home manufactured there. Go through the house and find all things made in China, like clothing from the Trump family line and their red hats, your shoes, and pretty much everything you buy at Walmart. Your router for Internet? Your TV? Get rid of them. If you’re gonna do it, do it. Stop sending them your money. I’d like to understand how you will continue to operate your “news site” without your Chinese made products, which your business is completely depending on to operate, publish and be seen.

    1. CCW

      Freedom isn’t free.
      It takes hard work, sacrifice, some believe is not worth it.

  3. Chinese financial interests have acquired more than $120 billion of assets in the U.S. economy since 2002.

    These should be seized. Anything China owns in the US should be seized. Of course they will do the same to us but it hurts them worse, and the 120 billion will go a long way on bringing our country back from the brink.
